CROW | Advanced Small Surface Robotic Systems | Hydronalix | United States
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DOVE | Advanced Small Surface Robotic Systems | Hydronalix | United States
Hydronalix, Inc.
TRAINING | Advanced Small Surface Robotic Systems | Hydronalix | United States
Hydronalix, Inc.
The company employs former Fire Rescue and military special operations personnel to deliver a complete training course with certification. The Hydronalix training programs started when EMILY first went into production in 2013. The Los Angeles County Fire Department Marine Division provided a base training platform and assisted with their expertise in training the first several hundred operators.
Hydronalix, Inc.
SONAR AMY | Advanced Small Surface Robotic Systems | Hydronalix | United States
Hydronalix, Inc.
Crow Flyer
Hydronalix, Inc.
TACTICAL AMY | Advanced Small Surface Robotic Systems | Hydronalix | United States
Hydronalix, Inc.
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