ARM(Risk Management Solution)
ARM is a solution designed to systematically perform risk management based on the ISO31000 international standard for risk management. It includes Bow-Tie and the Monte Carlo analysis needed for risk assessment, and offers an interface that even first-time users can easily approach.
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Cradle(Requirements Management Solution)
SNSENG Co., Ltd.
Cradle is the Requirement Management and Systems Engineering Support Tool developed by 3SL in the
UK and is currently used by NASA as a SE standard tool. As a system engineering-optimized tool, Cradle is supports systematically and efficiently management for large and complex system development projects using model-based system engineering methodologies.
SEER(Cost Analysis Solution)
SNSENG Co., Ltd.
SEER is the Cost Estimating Tool developed by Galorath in the US, and holds about 70% of the US cost analysis model market. As the Cost Optimization Analysis Tools for each hardware/software/aerospace
industry, SEER provides the reliable estimated cost information based on the knowledge base function
even in initail business situation when their information is insufficient.
Active Risk Manager (ARM) has been designed to support industry standards and best practices. Organisations are able to implement ARM to fit around their process and terminology supporting multiple languages and currencies. ARM conforms to established business processes, thus reducing the impact of change.
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